Vulnerability Disclosure Policy


At Black Limited, we take the security of our products and the privacy of our users very seriously. We encourage the responsible disclosure of any vulnerabilities that may be found in our devices or services. This policy aims to give clear guidelines on reporting vulnerabilities and outlines our commitment to resolving them.


Contact Information for Reporting Issues

To report a vulnerability, please contact us at We commit to acknowledging receipt of your report within 24 to 72 hours and will provide regular status updates during the resolution process.


Timeline for Resolution


Encouragement of Responsible Disclosure

We request that researchers do not publicly disclose the details of any vulnerabilities without coordinating with us. This allows us to ensure the security and privacy of our users by resolving the issue before public disclosure.


Acknowledgment of Contributors

Black Limited appreciates the efforts of those who contribute to our security by responsibly disclosing vulnerabilities. We are committed to acknowledging the contributions of security researchers in our updates or on our website at


For more details, visit our dedicated security webpage at